

Conflux实现了赞助机制,来补贴智能合约的使用。 这允许余额为零的新账户调用智能合约,前提是执行操作得到赞助(通常由Dapp运营者提供)。 内部的 SponsorWhitelistControl 合约记录了智能合约的赞助信息。


SponsorWhitelistControl's hex40 address is 0x0888000000000000000000000000000000000001, with interface:

pragma solidity >=0.4.15;

contract SponsorWhitelistControl {
/*** Query Functions ***/
* @dev get gas sponsor address of specific contract
* @param contractAddr The address of the sponsored contract
function getSponsorForGas(address contractAddr) public view returns (address) {}

* @dev get current Sponsored Balance for gas
* @param contractAddr The address of the sponsored contract
function getSponsoredBalanceForGas(address contractAddr) public view returns (uint256) {}

* @dev get current Sponsored Gas fee upper bound
* @param contractAddr The address of the sponsored contract
function getSponsoredGasFeeUpperBound(address contractAddr) public view returns (uint256) {}

* @dev get collateral sponsor address
* @param contractAddr The address of the sponsored contract
function getSponsorForCollateral(address contractAddr) public view returns (address) {}

* @dev get current Sponsored Balance for collateral
* @param contractAddr The address of the sponsored contract
function getSponsoredBalanceForCollateral(address contractAddr) public view returns (uint256) {}

* @dev check if a user is in a contract's whitelist
* @param contractAddr The address of the sponsored contract
* @param user The address of contract user
function isWhitelisted(address contractAddr, address user) public view returns (bool) {}

* @dev check if all users are in a contract's whitelist
* @param contractAddr The address of the sponsored contract
function isAllWhitelisted(address contractAddr) public view returns (bool) {}

/*** for contract admin only **/
* @dev contract admin add user to whitelist
* @param contractAddr The address of the sponsored contract
* @param addresses The user address array
function addPrivilegeByAdmin(address contractAddr, address[] memory addresses) public {}

* @dev contract admin remove user from whitelist
* @param contractAddr The address of the sponsored contract
* @param addresses The user address array
function removePrivilegeByAdmin(address contractAddr, address[] memory addresses) public {}

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Someone will sponsor the gas cost for contract `contractAddr` with an
// `upper_bound` for a single transaction.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
function setSponsorForGas(address contractAddr, uint upperBound) public payable {}

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Someone will sponsor the storage collateral for contract `contractAddr`.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
function setSponsorForCollateral(address contractAddr) public payable {}

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Add commission privilege for address `user` to some contract.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
function addPrivilege(address[] memory) public {}

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Remove commission privilege for address `user` from some contract.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
function removePrivilege(address[] memory) public {}

* @dev get current available storage points for collateral (activated after CIP-118)
* @param contractAddr The address of the sponsored contract
function getAvailableStoragePoints(address contractAddr) public view returns (uint256) {}


SponsorWhitelistControl 为每个用户建立的合约维护一个白名单,包含有资格获得补贴的账户。 首先,应该使用 addPrivilege(address[] memory)addPrivilegeByAdmin(address contractAddr, address[] memory addresses) 将合格账户添加到白名单中。 Specially, if a zero address is added to the whitelist, any account will become eligible for subsidy.

There are two resources that can be sponsored: gas consumption and storage collateral. 这两种资源可以通过 payable 接口 setSponsorForGas(address contractAddr, uint upperBound)setSponsorForCollateral(address contractAddr) 分别进行赞助。


upperBound(单位:Drip)设置了每笔交易的赞助上限。 交易发送的价值应不低于1000 * upperBound



pragma solidity >=0.8.0;

import "https://github.com/Conflux-Chain/conflux-rust/blob/master/internal_contract/contracts/SponsorWhitelistControl.sol";

contract CommissionPrivilegeTest {
mapping(uint => uint) public ss;

function add(address account) public {
SponsorWhitelistControl cpc = SponsorWhitelistControl(0x0888000000000000000000000000000000000001);
address[] memory a = new address[](1);
a[0] = account;

function remove(address account) public {
SponsorWhitelistControl cpc = SponsorWhitelistControl(0x0888000000000000000000000000000000000001);
address[] memory a = new address[](1);
a[0] = account;

function par_add(uint start, uint end) public {
for (uint i = start; i < end; i++) {
ss[i] = 1;

The following javascript code shows how to deploy and sponsor the provided test contract.

"use strict"
const { Conflux, Drip } = require("js-conflux-sdk")
// you need to change the path to the compiled contract
const { abi, bytecode } = require("path/to/CommissionPrivilegeTest.json");

async function main() {
// your secret key to deploy contract
// testnet token can be claimed at https://faucet.confluxnetwork.org/
const PRIVATE_KEY = '0x......';
const cfx = new Conflux({
url: 'https://test.confluxrpc.com',
// logger: console,
networkId: 1,
const account = cfx.wallet.addPrivateKey(PRIVATE_KEY); // create account instance
const randomAccount = cfx.wallet.addRandom() // a random account with no cfx
const testContract = cfx.Contract({

const contract_addr = (await testContract.constructor().sendTransaction({
from: account.address
console.log(`contract deployed at ${contract_addr}`)

testContract.address = contract_addr
await testContract.add(randomAccount.address).sendTransaction({
from: account.address
console.log(`random address ${randomAccount.address} added to whitelist`)

const sponsor_contract = cfx.InternalContract('SponsorWhitelistControl');

const upperBound = 10n**15n
const upperBoundCfx = Drip(upperBound).toCFX()
const gasSponsorVal = 10n**18n
const storageSponsorVal = 10n ** 18n
if( gasSponsorVal < upperBound * 1000n ) {
throw new Error(`gas sponsor value should be greater than 1000 * upperBound`)
await sponsor_contract.setSponsorForGas(contract_addr, upperBound).sendTransaction({
from: account,
value: gasSponsorVal
console.log(`Gas is sponsored with upper bound ${upperBound} Drip (${upperBoundCfx} CFX)`)
await sponsor_contract.setSponsorForCollateral(contract_addr).sendTransaction({
from: account,
value: storageSponsorVal
console.log("Storage collateral is sponsored")

const receipt = await testContract.par_add(1, 3).sendTransaction({
from: randomAccount.address
console.log(`${receipt.transactionHash} is sent`)
console.log(`gas and storage covered by sponsor: ${receipt.gasCoveredBySponsor && receipt.storageCoveredBySponsor}`)


The example provided illustrates how to deploy and sponsor a test contract. The code is divided into five main sections:

  • Setting Up Conflux Instance and Accounts
  • Deploying the Smart Contract
  • Interacting with the Deployed Contract
  • Sponsoring Gas and Storage
  • Sending a Transaction whose Gas and Storage are Sponsored
  1. Setting Up Conflux Instance and Accounts:

    const PRIVATE_KEY = '0x......';
    const cfx = new Conflux({
    url: 'https://test.confluxrpc.com',
    networkId: 1,
    const account = cfx.wallet.addPrivateKey(PRIVATE_KEY);
    const randomAccount = cfx.wallet.addRandom();
    • PRIVATE_KEY: A placeholder for the private key of the user. This is essential for deploying contracts and sending transactions. You need to replace this value with your own private key with enough CFX
    • account: An account instance created using the provided private key. Will be used to deploy contract.
    • randomAccount: A new random account instance. This account doesn't have any CFX (Conflux's native currency) by default.
  2. Deploying the Smart Contract:

    const testContract = cfx.Contract({
    const contract_addr = (await testContract.constructor().sendTransaction({
    from: account.address
    console.log(`contract deployed at ${contract_addr}`);
    • testContract: A new contract instance is created using the ABI and bytecode.
  3. Interacting with the Deployed Contract:

    testContract.address = contract_addr;
    await testContract.add(randomAccount.address).sendTransaction({
    from: account.address
    console.log(`random address ${randomAccount.address} added to whitelist`);
    • The address of the deployed contract is set to the testContract instance.
    • A transaction is sent to the contract to add the random account's address to a whitelist.
  4. Sponsoring Gas and Storage:

    const sponsor_contract = cfx.InternalContract('SponsorWhitelistControl');
    const upperBound = 10n**15n;
    const upperBoundCfx = Drip(upperbound).toCFX();
    const gasSponsorVal = 10n**18n;
    const storageSponsorVal = 10n ** 18n;
    if( gasSponsorVal < upperBound * 1000n ) {
    throw new Error(`gas sponsor value should be greater than 1000 * upperBound`);
    await sponsor_contract.setSponsorForGas(contract_addr, upperBound).sendTransaction({
    from: account,
    value: gasSponsorVal
    console.log(`Gas is sponsored with upper bound ${upperBound} Drip (${upperBoundCfx} CFX)`);
    await sponsor_contract.setSponsorForCollateral(contract_addr).sendTransaction({
    from: account,
    value: storageSponsorVal
    console.log("Storage collateral is sponsored");
    • The code sets an upper bound for gas sponsorship and calculates its equivalent in CFX. It makes sure if the gas sponsorship value is at least 1000 times the upper bound. If not, an error is thrown. (This is the requirement of the SponsorWhitelistControl interface)
    • The code then sponsors gas and storage for the deployed contract. This means users interacting with the contract won't have to pay for gas or storage, as it's covered by the sponsor.
  5. Sending a Transaction whose Gas and Storage are Sponsored:

    const receipt = await testContract.par_add(1, 3).sendTransaction({
    from: randomAccount.address
    console.log(`${receipt.transactionHash} is sent`);
    console.log(`gas and storage covered by sponsor: ${receipt.gasCoveredBySponsor && receipt.storageCoveredBySponsor}`);
    • A transaction is sent to the contract, calling the par_add function with arguments 1 and 3.
    • Log the transaction's hash and whether its gas and storage were covered using the transaction receipt.


Conflux keeps the following information for each user-established contract:

  • sponsor_for_gas: this is the account that provides the subsidy for gas consumption, and can be accessed via SponsorWhitelistControl or getSponsorInfo RPC;
  • sponsor_for_collateral: this is the account that provides the subsidy for collateral for storage, and can be accessed via SponsorWhitelistControl or getSponsorInfo RPC;
  • sponsor_balance_for_gas: this is the balance of subsidy available for gas consumption, and can be accessed via SponsorWhitelistControl or getSponsorInfo RPC;
  • sponsor_balance_for_collateral: refundable balance of subsidy available for collateral for storage, and can be accessed via SponsorWhitelistControl or getSponsorInfo RPC;
  • availableStoragePoints: storage points available for storage collateral, and can be accessed via SponsorWhitelistControl or getSponsorInfo RPC;
  • usedStoragePoints: storage points available for storage collateral, can be accessed via getSponsorInfo RPC, can only be accessed via getSponsorInfo RPC;
  • sponsor_limit_for_gas_fee: this is the upper bound for the gas fee subsidy paid for every sponsored transaction, and can be accessed via SponsorWhitelistControl or getSponsorInfo RPC;
  • whitelist: 这是有资格获得补贴的普通账户列表,其中一个特殊的全零地址指代所有普通账户。 只有合约本身和管理员有权更改这个列表。 The elements of whitelist cannot be accessed directly, instead, isWhitelisted interface of SponsorWhitelistControl can tell if an address is whitelisted.

There are two resources that can be sponsored: gas consumption and storage collateral.

  • For gas consumption: If a transaction calls a contract with non-empty sponsor_for_gas and the sender is in the whitelist of the contract and the gas fee specified by the transaction is within the sponsor_limit_for_gas_fee, the gas consumption of the transaction is paid from the sponsor_balance_for_gas of the contract (if it is sufficient) rather than from the sender’s balance. 否则,发送者应该支付gas消耗。
  • For storage collateral: If a transaction calls a contract with non-empty available_storage_points or sponsor_for_collateral and the sender is in the whitelist of the contract, the collateral for storage incurred in the execution of the transaction is deducted from sponsor_for_collateral(with priority) or available_storage_points of the contract, and the owner of those modified storage entries is set to the contract address accordingly. 否则,发送者应该支付交易执行过程中产生的存储抵押。

当消息调用发生时,Conflux不会重新检查赞助。 例如,如果普通地址 A 调用合约 B ,合约 B 调用合约C ,Conflux 只会检查地址 A 是否得到合约 B 的赞助。 如果A被赞助,B将承担交易执行过程中的所有gas和/或存储抵押,包括从BC的消息调用。 换句话说,只有一个交易发送者才能被赞助。


CIP-107 引入了存储点的概念,以改善Conflux的代币经济。

当赞助者为合约增加存储抵押时,一部分的CFX代币将被销毁,并相应地铸造出"存储点"。 "存储点"不能转移,也不会产生存储利息。 但它可以像CFX代币一样支付存储抵押。

存储点系统旨在对代币经济产生最小影响。 合约赞助者主要关心支持其业务运营所需的代币数量,而通常不关心存储抵押的退款。

setSponsorForGassetSponsorForCollateral 的行为

当合约创建时,其 sponsor_for_gassponsor_for_collateral 将由零地址初始化,赞助余额和存储点将初始化为0。 通过调用 SponsorWhitelistControl 合约的 setSponsorForGassetSponsorForCollateral ,可以更新gas和抵押的赞助。



如果赞助从未设置过或当前赞助者就是该账户本身,账户可以提供赞助余额。 在这种情况下,赞助者应与函数 setSponsorForGas(address contractAddr, uint upperBound)setSponsorForCollateral(address contractAddr) 进行交互。

  • 对于 setSponsorForGas(address contractAddr, uint upperBound) ,如果满足以下要求,以drip为单位计算的转移价值将被添加到 sponsor_balance_for_gas
    • upperBound 的值应不低于旧 upperBound ,除非当前 sponsor_balance_for_gas 负担不起旧 sponsor_limit_for_gas_fee 。 但如果赞助从未设置,这条规则将被忽略。
    • 此外,转移资金应不低于新限制的1000倍,这意味着赞助至少应支持1000次调用。
    • 以drip为单位计算的的转移价值将被添加到 sponsor_balance_for_gas
  • 对于 setSponsorForCollateral(address contractAddr) ,没有额外要求。 提供的剩余CFX的 p 比例(即p * tx.value)将被烧毁并转换为 storage_points 。 The rest ((1-p) * tx.value) will be added to sponsor_balance_for_collateral.


Gas Sponsor Replacement

To replace the gas sponsor of a contract, the new sponsor must meet specific conditions:

  1. 转移的资金应该大于合约当前的sponsor_balance_for_gas
  2. 新的sponsor_limit_for_gas_fee(由upperBound参数指定)应该不低于旧赞助者的限制,除非旧的sponsor_balance_for_gas不能负担旧的sponsor_limit_for_gas_fee
  3. 转移的资金应该 >=新限制的1000倍,这样才能足以补贴至少1000次调用合约的交易。

如果满足以上条件,剩余的sponsor_balance_for_gas将退还给旧的sponsor_for_gas,而被转移到内部合约的资金将加到合约的sponsor_balance_for_gas中。 然后,根据新赞助者的指定,更新sponsor_for_gassponsor_limit_for_gas_fee。 否则,将触发一个异常。

Collateral Sponsor Replacement

The replacement of collateral sponsorship is similar but more complex due to storage points. As a proportion of CFX is burnt, the new sponsor should transfer a fund more than the refundable CFX provided by the current sponsor for collateral of the contract, whereas,

refundable storage collateral = sponsor_balance_for_collateral + (collateral_for_storage - use_storage_points / 1024)

The origin sponsor will be refunded with the above CFX immediately after the sponsor replacement. The collateral_for_storage refers to storage collateral already sponsored, accessible via cfx_getAccount RPC with contract's address as parameter.

p proportion of the surplus CFX provided will be burnt and converted into storage_points, whereas,

surplus storage points
= p * (surplus CFX provided) * 1024
= p * (tx.value - previous refundable collateral) * 1024
= p * (tx.value - (sponsor_balance_for_collateral + (collateral_for_storage - use_storage_points / 1024))) * 1024


只有合约本身或合约管理员可以更新合约的白名单。 赞助者没有修改白名单的权力。

一个合约可以调用函数addPrivilege(address[] memory)将任何地址添加到白名单中。 这意味着如果设置了sponsor_for_gas,合约将为白名单中的账户支付gas费用,如果设置了sponsor_for_collateral,合约将为白名单中的账户支付CFS(存储抵押)。 零地址是一个特殊的地址0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000。 如果这个地址被添加到白名单中,所有调用这个合约的交易都将被赞助。 一个合约可以调用函数removePrivilege(address[] memory)从白名单中移除一些普通账户地址。 移除一个不存在的地址不会导致错误或异常。


  1. 合约地址也能被添加到白名单列表中,但这个行为没有意义。因为只有交易的发送者才能被赞助。

合约的管理员可以使用接口addPrivilegeByAdmin(address contractAddr, address[] memory addresses)removePrivilegeByAdmin(address contractAddr, address[] memory addresses)来维护白名单。