

这个合约用于让用户参与PoS链。 需要与这个合约交互才能成为PoS节点。 这个合约提供了几个方法来增加或减少PoS投票:

  • register - 注册到PoS链,成为一个PoS节点
  • increaseStake - 增加PoS权益
  • retire - 减少PoS权益


  • getVotes - 查询一个账户的投票信息,将返回totalStakedVotestotalUnlockedVotes
  • identifierToAddress - 查询一个PoS账户绑定的PoW地址
  • addressToIdentifier - 查询一个PoW账户绑定的PoS地址



// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.5.0;

interface PoSRegister {
* @dev Register PoS account
* @param indentifier - PoS account address to register
* @param votePower - votes count
* @param blsPubKey - BLS public key
* @param vrfPubKey - VRF public key
* @param blsPubKeyProof - BLS public key's proof of legality, used to against some attack, generated by conflux-rust fullnode
function register(
bytes32 indentifier,
uint64 votePower,
bytes calldata blsPubKey,
bytes calldata vrfPubKey,
bytes[2] calldata blsPubKeyProof
) external;

* @dev Increase specified number votes for msg.sender
* @param votePower - count of votes to increase
function increaseStake(uint64 votePower) external;

* @dev Retire specified number votes for msg.sender
* @param votePower - count of votes to retire
function retire(uint64 votePower) external;

* @dev Query PoS account's lock info. Include "totalStakedVotes" and "totalUnlockedVotes"
* @param identifier - PoS address
function getVotes(bytes32 identifier) external view returns (uint256, uint256);

* @dev Query the PoW address binding with specified PoS address
* @param identifier - PoS address
function identifierToAddress(bytes32 identifier) external view returns (address);

* @dev Query the PoS address binding with specified PoW address
* @param addr - PoW address
function addressToIdentifier(address addr) external view returns (bytes32);

* @dev Emitted when register method executed successfully
event Register(bytes32 indexed identifier, bytes blsPubKey, bytes vrfPubKey);

* @dev Emitted when increaseStake method executed successfully
event IncreaseStake(bytes32 indexed identifier, uint64 votePower);

* @dev Emitted when retire method executed successfully
event Retire(bytes32 indexed identifier, uint64 votePower);